Saturday, August 3, 2019

Some Days are Hard

Some Most days are hard.
 This girl, I adore her. I adore her, and she makes me want to bang my head against the wall. She has such a big personality. She's loving, determined, and lives large.  When you tell her no, you better be well rested and ready to dig you heels in deep. When I say deep, I mean anchor yourself down for that "no". She doesn't give up.

 She's beautiful and smart and knows exactly what she wants. Just ask her. She's not afraid to tell you what she thinks. She is her own person. She does not follow the crowd. She is not swayed by what others think. She's a creator. She loves making things. She can often be found with scraps creating something new and special to share with those she loves.

Most days are hard with her. They're not hard ALL day, but you can definitely count on a few episodes of testing my parenting throughout the day. If we make it through the childhood years, she will use her determination for great things. I'm so glad I get to watch the journey adventure.

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