Saturday, January 14, 2012


It's been a long week. It's been an emotionally draining week. A week ago yesterday someone I knew from high school was killed in a tragic car accident. She leaves behind a husband that loves her dearly, two kids (15 and 12)who need their mom, parents that are broken and aching. What a wonderful day for her. She's with our Savior and the pain and heartache this world brings is forever gone. But my heart aches. It aches for that husband. It aches for her children, and it aches for her parents. There has been lots of thinking this week reflecting on the things that really matter in life. Her life was a testimony of her love for Jesus. Could that be said of me if I were gone? Would others know that I was gone to be with the Father because my life was a reflection of Him? All those little things were put into perspective this week. It's time to be a reflection of Him and stop merely existing and living day to day but living like it's forever.

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